Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Happy Safe Halloween!

School Supplies
Thank you ECA clubs for your donation of school supplies in September. The supplies helped the following schools: H. H. Beam Elementary, Tryon Elementary, N. Belmont School, Webb Street School, Lingerfelt Elementary and Rhyne Elementary School.

Medicine Bottles
Now is the time to bring in medicine bottles that have been collected for Samaritan Purse! Medicine bottles will be collected in the sewing room during October. As a reminder, labels must be removed and the bottles must be clear - we cannot accept white bottles that are opaque.

Happy Potters
Happy Potters members are selling raffle tickets to win a beautiful nativity scene - 1 ticket for $1.00 or 6 tickets for $5.00. Tickets can be purchased from Pam or Happy Potter members. Part of the nativity can be viewed in the show case in the lobbby and the other pieces in the show case in the Ceramic Room.

Happy Potters Meeting Date Change
Please note that the Happy Potters regular club meeting has been changed from Monday, October 11th to Monday, October 4th. We apologize for any inconvenience, but the majority of club officers will be out of town on the regularly scheduled date.

2011 Membership Dues
Attention Club Presidents: 2011 membership dues are $15.00 this year and application forms are in your mailbox. Each member must complete the application when dues are paid. We would love new members and now the time to join. Come visit a club or two and see which one you would like to be a member of.

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