Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Dear ECA members,
I hope this finds each of you well and enjoying the beauties of summer. July is a great time to be involved in a variety of classes and programs sponsored by ECA - just check the class schedule and you will find a variety of activities.

A very special thanks to some of our new instructors, such as Ana Boswell, Matt Psomadakis, and Teresa Chan. Please support these volunteer instructors by participating in the July classes or inviting someone to attend.

There have been many ECA members with recent illnesses and surgeries. As a reminder, be sure to share this information about your club members with Helen Rhyne, ECA Corresponding Secretary, or me so that it can be passed along to the entire organization.

As always, thanks for your continued commitment and support of ECA. Each individual member of ECA is such an important asset to the organization and our community. Your support is greatly appreciated and continues to be needed.

Have a wonderful summer!
Warmest Regards,
Pam Bryson, ECA Liaison

Please note that the Lucile Tatum Center will be closed for Independence Day on Monday, July 5, 2010.

Dates: Wednesday, July 14 at 10:00am OR
Tuesday, July 20th - 7:00pm
Facilitator: Elaine Roux, retired Cooperative Extension agent

ECA members are asked to attend this planning session to plan for several holiday programs entitled, “Countdown to Christmas: A Look back from Charles Dickens to Betty Feezor & Beyond.” Copies of calendars, handouts, and other resources will be available to help create ideas.

The holiday programs will look back at holiday ideas presented years ago from Scrooge; Betty Freezor, local media icon; Duke Power; and NC Cooperative Extension Service. Many of the ideas presented were timeless and are still ideal for today’s families. Future programs in this series will revisit ideas for gifts, decorations, etc., of these past resources.

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