Friday, March 12, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

National Nurtition Month
March is National Nutrition Month, and in honor of this event, ECA County Council voted to sign a Healthy Foods Policy for ECA club programs and activities. The policy states healthy options will be included when food and refreshments are served at all ECA activities. Don't worry, this doesn't mean no more homemade cookies, cakes, etc. It just means that we'll also continue to have healty options included such as veggie salads, fruit, water, unsweetened tea, or other calorie-free beverages at our meetings.
Establishing such policy is a very simple way for ECA to support physical activity and healthy eating-it helps us all to continue to eat smart and move more!

Warm UP America
Come out on Tuesday, March 16th from 10am-1pm for this wonderful county project. Help put together afghans for diaster victims and homeless people. This is our time to join the public in giving back to the community.

Gaston County ECA Scholarship
Gaston County ECA will be offering a $1000 scholarship again this year to current high school seniors, adults, and currently enrolled college students. Additional scholarship funding will be awarded as monies become available. Scholarship applications are available at the Home Center. The deadline for returning scholarship applications is Friday, April 16, 2010.

Annual Cultural Arts Show
Please come out on Marth 25th from 8:30am -4:30pm to view the talents ECA members. Cultural Arts will have the winners picked and you can see all the detailed work that went into each piece of art. Cultural arts has 37 categories. Examples of catergories: quilting, sewing, painting, knitting, photopraphy, porcelain, creative writing, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Well this day is a religious holiday, it is a festive day for the Irish people, it's Holiday is a day of public holidays of the Republic of Ireland, also celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm in places.

    wall coatings Scotland
